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Tips & Advice for Cabin Crew

9 most common assessment day mistakes

The cabin crew Assessment Day can prove to be an intimidating experience. Even the most self-assured candidates experience that. The…

How to Create Your Perfect Cabin Crew CV


The first step and the most crucial to apply for a job is writing your CV. From…

Best Careers for ex Cabin Crew


The life of a cabin crew is very dynamic, exciting and sometimes even unexpecting. During a few…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Flight Attendant

“To be or not to be?” Have you ever thought of flying for a living? That is the question people ask themselves before taking a decision to pass their first selection. As many people think the…

Emirates Cabin Crew Requirements

It will not be a secret if I tell you that Emirates has always been a top choice for those who want to become a cabin crew. This is a dream company as well for existing cabin crews all around the…

Master Your Cabin Crew Online Interview with 11 Easy Steps

At some airlines cabin crew online interviews are the usual thing in the hiring process. For most people, who will be interviewed via video for the first time in their life it might feel a little…