How to Create Your Perfect Cabin Crew CV

The first step and the most crucial to apply for a job is writing your CV. From Latin Curriculum Vitae means ‘the story of my life’. Curriculum Vitae or Resume is a short story of your experience and achievements. It provides the reader with the overview of your past jobs. The recruiter can see the information about your education and even your background. It can also contain some other information such as gained certificates. Also you could mention all spoken languages as well as your skills. A flight Attendant CV is not so different from any other Resume for other job positions. But you should remember that you may receive a job interview invitation based on the way you wrote your CV.
Remember, nobody will call you back to ask to explain a few things from your Resume. Nobody will spend too long to consider whether to accept your application or not. So your Curriculum Vitae should be short, clear and well organised. So let's make sure you have a perfect CV that will show that you are a perfect candidate for this role.
You should remember that you should keep it simple and precise. Remember that it should not be too long either. Make sure that you can keep your CV in one page or in two if needed. But try not to exceed the limit of two pages. Remember that in general, recruiters spend less than a minute to pick the right resume. Put only relevant information. If it happens that your curriculum vitae is longer than you could reduce the size of the margin or shrift. But do not exaggerate with that either.

Before updating your CV it is better to browse for some websites of the airlines that you want to work for. All these websites usually have a career section. Have a look at what are the requirements for this particular airline. For example, you can click here to see Emirates requirements for the cabin crew. Then mention only suitable skills and experience required for that role. Also pay attention to the key words that you are going to use in the description of the job post. You should consider using those key words in your CV.
Another advice is to use a template for writing your resume. You could use some websites that let you use their templates for some small payments. By clicking here you will find some free CV templates. You could use some free or preloaded templates within Pages or MS Word on your computer or a gadget. To access the templates in MS Word you will need to open MS Word and then click on File. Then New, choose Templates and then Resumes and CVs. To access the templates in Pages you will need to follow the next steps: File -> New from template -> Resumes.
Remember you should make no grammatical mistakes, nor spelling mistakes. You could use a spell check that is available in Pages or MS Word. You could ask a friend or a family member to read your CV. If you find any mistakes or misspellings then correct it. Below we will have a look at each section of a CV. It will give you a more precise idea of how it should look.

Personal information
First of all, you should include your personal information. This information you should put on the top of the page of your resume. You should include here:
- your full name
- your home address
- your phone number
- your email.
It is not required to write your date of birth. But, many airlines accept candidates of age 21 and older. So it can be useful to add your birth date to precise your age.
For example:
Kevin Mccalister
Date of birth:

Work experience
You should start with your latest job and then continue in the reverse order. Do not worry if your previous professional experience is not airline related. Also include an internship as one of your working experiences. Start to describe your work experience section from these few easy steps:
- Start and end date: You should put the start date to end date, preceding the month and year. Or if you work there till present, then put the start date - present.
- Your job title: You should put here your official job title. You could find it on your contract.
- Company name and location: You should put the officially registered company name here. You would need to put a country and, if needed, a city where the company is located.
- Job description: It is better not to put too long sentences. Instead be precise and accurate about describing your duties. Only describe the essential duties that could also show your skills and competences. It is better to put not more than 5 lines.
Have a look at the example:
Apr 2019 - Oct 2022 Guidepoint Global New York, USA
Personal Administrative Assistant
Providing 24/7 concierge service/availability
Managing travel logistics including booking flights, transportation, and accommodations
Managing events throughout the year from cocktail to holiday parties
Running personal errands

Another important section of your curriculum vitae is the education section. It will be enough to put higher education only.Yet, if you do not have any post-secondary education then you should include your high school information. Also in this section you could mention your other diplomas or courses. You could also include more than one higher education. In this section you should include such information:
- Name of the institution
- The dates of attendance
- The location of the institution: city and the country
- Degree obtained
Below you will find an example:
Oct 2016 - Jun 2018 New York Institute of Technology - USA
M.S., Childhood Education
Or for high school information:
Oct 2016 - Jun 2018 Eleanor Roosevelt High School, New York - USA
High School Certificate

Usually in this section we put such skills as: driving licence, knowledge of certain computer programs and tools. Yet, driving licence information is important only if you apply for the job where you will need to drive. Same for the personal computer skills. Nowadays it has become unmentionable. As nowadays knowledge of computer basics is the main tool in any company position. One more thing that you can skip mentioning - it is your hobbies.Of course, if the recruiter will ask about your hobbies and interests during the interview then you could talk about it. But it is better to mention in your curriculum vitae your professional accomplishments only.
Remember, that during the resume review recruiter will not spend a long time on it. He will not read those long lists of your skills. It is better to put a precise and short list of the most relevant skills. For a cabin crew resume it is better to put those skills that are job related. For example you could include a CPR or AED certificate to your skills list.

If you know many languages it could be also useful for the aviation industry. Some airlines, such as Emirates, will ask you to submit a list of the languages you speak, but on a good level. The reason is that if a passenger will have some health issues or will need help you could assist him. In your curriculum vitae it is better to put the languages and mention the level of knowledge next to it.
Have a look at the example below:
English: native
German: bilingual
French: bilingual
Korean: advanced
Once you write your resume, check it once again for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Make sure that all necessary personal information is there. It is very recommended to put only one phone number. Make sure that this phone number can record a voicemail. Do not include an email address with an unprofessional name. An example of such is here: . Instead use the email address with your name in it, for example: . If you want to know more about how to prepare for the cabin crew online interview just click here.
Another point is to not to include the references to your resume. Once you pass the selections, the airline will ask you for all the necessary references. They need it for the security check. Usually they check the five last years of your job experience or studies. For that you will need to fill the form online with all the necessary contact information.
One more piece of advice is to ask somebody else to check your curriculum vitae before you submit it. It could be your parents, friends or a colleague from work. The other person, with his fresh couple of eyes will see if there is any mistake. Or if there is something that makes no sense that you could miss. If you wish to know more information about how to pass the cabin crew selection click here.

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