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Ryanair Aptitude Test & Interview Preparation

Ryanair, the biggest European budget airline, is known for its wide-range network, extremely cheap ticket prices, and huge Boeing 737 aircraft fleet. It offers its travellers convenient and cost-effective flights throughout Europe and other destinations.

Whether you are applying for the Ryanair cadet pilot or direct entry pilot selection, this Ryanair pilot preparation package is your key to successfully prepare and pass the Ryanair pilot selection.

We keep our Ryanair interview questions and tests updated by constantly reviewing them.
For those who want to become a Ryanair pilot, MySkyPlatform elevates your chances of passing the Ryanair cadets and direct entry pilot selections.

Ryanair Aptitude Test & Interview Preparation MySkyPlatform

The Ryanair pilot assessment process consists of...

Video Interview
Cut-e Aptitude Tests
Technical & HR Interview
Simulator Assessment

Ryanair Technical and HR Assessment

Video Interview

First impressions count, get access to the Ryanair video interview questions to practice this important step.

Technical Interview
Technical Interview

A team of specialised assessors will ask you technical questions about your technical knowledge. Get prepared to this interview by accessing our question bank, based on previous feedbacks.

HR Interview
HR Interview

Have access to all the HR questions that might be asked during your interview.


Get assess to the questions of the Ryanair ATPL Test.

Simulator Assessment

We provide you with the most recent scenarios based on the feedbacks of the previous candidates.

Cut-e online assessment (Cadets only)

Created by actual pilot assessors

Spatial Orientation

This test measures your sense or orientation. Your task is to correctly position the aircraft according to the indications of the instruments.

Reaction Test

This test measures your speed of reaction. You are presented with objects on screen and must react as quickly as possible when two objects that are the same appear.

Multitasking Test

This test assesses your ability to multi-task. There are three different tasks and it is required to work through these simultaneously.

Monitoring Ability

This test measures your ability to monitor. Your task is to identify the number of moving objects.

Complex Control

In this test, your task is to fly through a tunnel while avoiding obstacles.